
The Yosemite Project is a team effort.  In addition to our Steering Committee members, our webinar speakers, and the many folks who are working independently on projects that support the Yosemite Project’s mission, we wish to thank the following individuals for their assistance.

dsc_0019Gopikrishnan (“Gopi”) Chandrasekharan, for completing our WordPress migration




srinivasaSrinivasa Raju Vuppalapati, for initiating our WordPress migration




wentao-zhouWentao Zhou, for transcribing webinars and drafting explanatory pages




thomas-lukasikThomas Lukasik, for website editing




steering-michel-dumontier_100Michel Dumontier, for funding our new logo design




Arnon Rosenthal, MITRE, for editorial and content suggestions on Standardizing the Standards

Eric Franzon, Dataversity, for sponsoring early Yosemite Project webinars

George Strawn and Meg Harmsen, NITRD, for sponsoring a Yosemite Project presentation for the NSF and NIH.

Mitra Rocca, FDA, for sponsoring a Yosemite Project presentation to the FDA PhUSE Semantic Technology working group

Brand Niemann, for sponsoring a Yosemite Project presentation to the Federal Big Data Working Group meetup.