Steering Committee


  steering-david-booth_100David Booth

David Booth, PhD, is a senior software architect and consultant, with a focus on semantic interoperability of healthcare data.  He is co-chair of the W3C “Semantic Web in Health Care and Life Sciences” Community Group, and has been applying Semantic Web technology to healthcare and life sciences in various projects since 2009.  He was a W3C Fellow from 2002 to 2005, and holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA.


  Conor Dowling

Conor Dowling is CTO of Caregraf, which uses Semantic Web technologies to help health-care providers gather and analyze the information they create during the course of a patient’s care. He is a specialist in clinical-data analytics with a focus on how the definition of clinical know-how and institutions shapes the description of patient care.

steering-michel-dumontier_100  Michel Dumontier

Michel Dumontier, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Stanford University in the Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research. His research focuses on methods to integrate large, heterogeneous clinical and biomedical data for discovery. His research interests include (1) developing novel therapeutics for rare and complex diseases, (2) elucidating the mechanism of drug-induced side-effects, and (3) optimizing multi-drug therapies to minimize undesirable side effects.

steering-josh-mandel_100  Josh Mandel

Josh Mandel, MD, is a physician and software engineer at Children’s Hospital Informatics Program at Harvard-MIT interested in improving clinical care through information technology. After earning an S.B. in computer science and electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an M.D. from the Tufts University School of Medicine, he joined the faculty of the Boston Children’s Hospital Informatics Program and Harvard Medical School, where he serves as lead architect of the SMART Project ( Josh has a special interest in tools and interfaces that support software developers who are new to the health domain.

claudenanjo-100sq  Claude Nanjo

Claude Nanjo, MA MPH, is a Software Architect at Cognitive Medical Systems. He is also an active contributor to a number of HL7 and S&I clinical modeling initiatives including Health eDecision (HeD), the Clinical Quality Framework (CQF), and Fast Health Interoperable Resources (FHIR). At both Cognitive Medical Systems and Zynx Health, Claude has been involved in a number of research projects exploring the intersection between Clinical Decision Support and the Semantic Web. Prior to joining Zynx Health, Claude was engaged in research developing machine learning solutions to mine information on the Web. Claude studied at the University of California where he obtained a B.S. in Biochemistry, a B.A. in History as well as a Masters degree in Public Health and African Area Studies.

rafaelrichards-100sq  Rafael Richards

Rafael Richards, MD MS, is a Physician Informatician in the Office of Informatics and Analytics at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Prior to this Dr. Richards was an Assistant Professor in the Division of Health Science Informatics and Department of Anesthesiology at Johns Hopkins University. Rafael’s current interests and activities are in data standards, medical device data integration, and modernizing VA databases to enable enterprise data federation with Linked Data sources. Prior to medicine, Rafael earned as B.S. Engineering from Swarthmore, M.S. Applied Mathematics from Lehigh University, and worked several years in industry in scientific software applications with IBM and in the UK office of Wolfram Research on Mathematica. Rafael is currently an invited expert in the Semantic Web in Healthcare and Life Sciences of W3C.